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Luxury framing by WSG

At WSG our core business is the framing of Artworks and their presentation. Our biggest challenge is to give another dimension to these Artworks that we call “ephemeras”.

Limited edition

All our creations are produced in small series, among which some are numbered and recorded in a database so that the framed artwork you buy from us remains a rare or unique piece that you will not find on everyones wall. With our plate on the back and a QR-code that allows authentication of our brand and serial number.


Certificate of Authenticity

In addition, we take special care to gather as much evidence as possible on the authenticity of the artworks we frame so that you can justify their provenance at any time.

Thus, a certificate of authenticity from the gallery is issued with each of our framed artwork with all the information about the provenance on it.

We also listen to our customers and we are happy to fulfill your ideas and desires. Do not hesitate to contact us.

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